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    Witch 4 Hotel

    Chelsea and Melissa are back together, on Earth. Their inheritance needs to be invested wisely, so Chelsea decides to buy a small hotel. She finds the property she needs through an agency and goes...

    Candle Daemon

    Chelsea's aunt Agnete has been caught between realms. Her mysterious disappearance from the human world has set off a whirlwind journey that will ultimately culminate in Chelsea vanishing as well. The World between Worlds,...

    Puppeteer : Control 

    What does a puppet master do? In the witch universe, there is a character who hunters Chelsea. There is a doll house in which he lives. Yes, do not confuse with the jester, the...


    In the remotest galaxy, in the dystopian Medusa nebula, the colonies lose contact with the empire. After discovering that the source of the interference is the mysterious planet Pandora, the techno-magi send Sergeant Dripley...

    Witch 3 Return

    This story is a part of the "Witch Chronicles" series that began on Halloween. Chelsea finds herself back at her Aunt Agnet's manor. She has to go through the whole building and once again...